Performances / Music / Theater
Directed by: Alexandru Boureanu & Raluca Păun
Teatrul Național "Marin Sorescu" din Craiova

Written in 1960 in Versoix , Switzerland, the play “The Choice” is the parable through which King Michael I of Romania and Queen Anne transpose the feelings of a world set adrift. The fight between Good and Evil is waged wearing masks and the characters’ cunning seems to come out of Iago’s shadow: Bitterness and Lightness are two sides of the same coin, one of them corrupt, showing the human venality in a double relief. One speaks in the name of violent Leninism, the other in the name of pleasure and hedonism sans ideology. What will Man choose when faced with an essential choice?

"A modern concept, a compatible set design and music that precisely intensifies the desperate quests of the characters, faced with the choice of humanity's destiny." (Ana Paraschivescu)

Text: Majestățile Lor Regele Mihai I și Regina Ana

Friend & live music AG Weinberger
The Man: Claudiu Mihail
Amar: Gabriel Marciu
Singer: Raluca Păun
Ease: Marian Politic
Child: Vladimir Politic

Set designer: Lia Dogaru
Original music: AG Weinberger
Lighting design: Dodu Ispas
Video design: Florin Constantinescu
Assistant set designer: Adelina Galiceanu
Musical preparation: Corina Stănescu
Delegated producer: Claudia Gorun

Performance in Romanian
Duration: 1h
Date of premiere: 18.11.2022
Shows and Access

22 June, 17:00

The Synagogue   
80/50 LEI

22 June, 22:00

The Synagogue   
80/50 LEI