The insertion the visual arts platform_PAV an associated structure within Sibiu’s International Theatre Festival (FITS), continues to function as a space without a space, a semi-nomad entity, a body without organs (Artaud 1947; Deleuze & Guattari 1972, 1980), an occasion and an invitation to become active and come together. It brings together interventions from invited artists, as well as giving the opportunity to some of Sibiu’s permanent art installations and spaces to reappear back into the public sphere, structures which exist and infuse into the city all year-round. PAV brings together local and non-local voices, be they artists, cultural producers, museum and artist-run spaces, all the way to non-conventional spaces pertaining to the consumerist culture, creating infiltrations into the capitalist machine (Deleuze & Guattari, ibid.; Negri, 1989; Hardt & Negri, 2000).
2023 Edition
Initiator: Dan Perjovschi
Curator: Iris Ordean
Assistant curator: Cristina Kiru
Social media manager: Alin Ștefănescu
Dan Perjovschi (RO)
The Horizontal Newspaper
heatrical Edition
Associated Space – Teatrul Național Radu Stanca, Bvd. Corneliu Coposu nr. 2
Artist talk - 25.06, 18:00, Zidul exterior, TNRS
Goria Luca and Dan Perjovschi at the Wall. About the Album and the Project: The Horizontal Newspaper 2010-2023
Dan Perjovschi (RO)
The Magnet Sky
Magnet installation
Associated Space – Teatrul Național Radu Stanca, Bvd. Corneliu Coposu nr. 2
Lia Perjovschi, The Telescopic Space of Knowledge / Mixed media and lecture room installation
Associated Space - Biblioteca ASTRA, Strada George Barițiu nr. 5, et. 5 1/2
Monday-Sunday 08:00 - 20:00
Ulrike Ettinger (DE)
Muzeul Civilizației Populare Tradiționale „ASTRA” din Sibiu, Strada Pădurea Dumbrava nr. 16, Pădurea Dumbrava 16
Monday-Sunday 08:00-20:00
Artist talk / Creative workshop/ Saturday 24.06, 12:00-16:00.
Iulian Bisericaru (RO)
Promenada Mall, Strada Lector, (et. 1, opposite the Zara Store)
Monday-Sunday 10:00-22:00
Artist talk: 24.06. ora 18:00
Adina Mocanu (DE)
Magazine, 36 pag., 297 x 210 mm, limited edition
Artist talk: 23.06, 18:00, Kulturzentrum
Gloria Luca (ES)
arta.nonstop, Str. Tribunei nr. 13
Artist talk: 25.06, 16:30.
Dan Raul Pintea (RO)
Associated Space - Strada Andrei Șaguna 5
Artist tour Friday 23.06, 17:00.
2022 Edition
the visual arts platform (PAV) initiative has found a fertile locus at the intersection of two international events: Kassel’s documenta15 contemporary art exhibition and the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS). Taking place in Sibiu, a city that pendulates between a conservatory approach and a reintegration / redefinition of multiculturalism, the visual arts platform aims to illustrate specifically this complex dynamic, which has inherent echoes in the local contemporary art scene. PAV brings together artists and associative entities working locally, as well as creative voices from the rest of Romania and from Germany - the plurality of different points of view is after all the core concept of this first edition.
The meeting point of these three vectors is the artist Dan Perjovschi, who divides his time between Sibiu and various locations around the world. A participant of this year's edition of the documentary15 as well as FITS, Dan Perjovschi works with curator Iris Ordean and together they bring different voices to this first edition of PAV.
platforma de arte vizuale PAV is produced by Dan Perjovschi & Documenta15, FITS and the German Cultural Center Sibiu. Many thanks to all institutions and artists involved.
1. Dan Perjovschi, The Horizontal Newspaper
The Documenta Edition 2022-2023
Teatru Național Radu Stanca
2. Dan Perjovschi, The Magnet Sky
Magnet installation
Teatru Național Radu Stanca
3. Lia Perjovschi, The Telescopic Space of Knowledge
Mixed media and lecture room installation
Biblioteca ASTRA, Strada George Barițiu 5
4. Ioana Sisea, From here to here
It will melt completely in four thousand seven hundred eighty one washes
installation, soap, metal
Promenada Mall, 1-3A Lector Str.
5. Johannes Vogl, Walze
steel, shoes, textile | sculpture
Promenada Mall, 1-3A Lector Str.
6. Ana Dumitrescu
Argentic - Analog Photo Exhibition
Trio - film projection, documentary, directed by Ana Dumitrescu, produced by Jonathan Boissay, with Gheorghe Costache, Sorina Costache and Vioară, 1h22min, 2021
Guests at the projection: Ana Dumitrescu, Jonathan Boissay, Gheorghe Costache, Sorina Costache
CineGold, Promenada Mall, 1-3A Lector Str.
7. Anamaria Șut, Les lèvres rouges
mixed media, installation in-situ
Promenada Mall, 1-3A Lector Str.
8. Asociația Simultan, Simultan Media Archives. Curated Selections
coordonator program / program coordinator: Maria Orosan Telea, Lector universitar Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara - Facultatea de Arte și Design
studenți / students: Gavril Pop, Loredana Ilie, Marina Paladi, Isabella Madarász, Cătălin Beldean
ULBS, Facultatea de Litere si Arte, Bulevardul Victoriei 5-7
9. Winael Baldus, acoustic concert with voice and guitar
Promenada Mall, 1-3A Lector Str.
10. Asociația ALEG Sibiu
Eveniment cu voluntarii asociației ALEG și cu participarea publicului.
Promenada Mall, 1-3A Lector Str.
Special Conference
Și eu reușesc/ I too can do it
Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu, Sala Mică
11. Centrul Cultural Arab Sibiu
Special Conference
Thinking of the Other: Stereotypes of the Otherness
Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu, Sala Mică
12. arta.nonstop, Model Under Construction
Flaviu Cacoveanu, Cătălina Nistor, Miruna Radovici. Curator: Georgia Țidorescu,
Strada Tribunei 13.
13.Alexandra Coroi & Bogdan Dumitrescu, Imagined bodies
multi-channel video installation
Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu
14. Lavinia Crețu, Resource
print 3D, print 2D, installation in-situ
Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu
15. Ștefan Radu Crețu, Everything hybrid
metal, paint, electric components
Filarmonica de Stat Sibiu
16. Sorina Tomulețiu, Bessarabia
installation in-situ, the recreation of the artist’s studio
Kulturzentrum Hermannstadt, Strada Timotei Popovici 9
17. Capital Cultural, text in digital space and in print (Revista Capital Cultural).
18.Adriana Chiruță, Piece (Peace) for women and pollinating insects, We all cry the same way, The Kiss
an ecofeminist reminder with 3 video works and an introduction
Biserica Evanghelică and Filarmonica de Stat
19. Casandra Vidrighin, Wild Instinct
video, installation in-situ in the Zoo
Grădina Zoologică Sibiu, 142 Calea Dumbrăvii Str.
20. Adina Mocanu, Breathing Eyes
In-situ installation
Muzeul Civilizației Populare Tradiționale „ASTRA” din Sibiu, 16 Pădurea Dumbrava
21. Dan Raul Pintea, Dragoste Gallery, anonymous artists
5 Andrei Saguna Str., appointement at 0728205248
22.Conferință specială/Special conference
Filarmonica de Stat, Sala Mică
Artist Roundtable the visual arts platform
Centrul Cultural Arab Sibiu, Thinking of the Other: Stereotypes of the Otherness
Asociația ALEG Sibiu, I too can do it
23.Opening Event PAV
The Telescopic Space of Knowledge
Biblioteca ASTRA, 5 George Barițiu Str.