Therme Forum: Theatre and Architecture is a structure associated with FITS and dedicated to the way architectural design, programming, technology and the evolution of our communities will shape theatres and the participatory experience of the future.

The event is a series of conversations with world class architects, designers, artists and arts leaders, on theatre and the value of wider, more visionary investments in culture. Therme Forum inspires and challenges participants through an examination of historic examples, perspectives, best practices and trends from around the world. Through the multi-faceted dialogues, participants will examine the link between performing arts and their venues, and how this relation shapes and impacts the community, its financial and social sustainability, as well as the evolution of the art form.

2023 Edition

The Therme Forum for Theatre and Architecture is an ongoing dialogue between arts and design professionals from around the world, exploring the symbiotic relationship between the Performing Arts and architecture. Started five years ago, this project is a three-way collaboration between the Sibiu International Theatre Festival and Therme Group and Arup. So far, the Forum has brought over 70 speakers from 21 countries together. Participants have discussed a wide range of topics including the impact of sustainability, digital technologies, architectural design and funding approaches to designing and planning new cultural infrastructure. 
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, Therme Group has commissioned a one-of-a-kind pavilion to host the Therme Forum activities at the 2023 edition of the Festival. Designed by Mamou Mani Architects and Arup, the temporary structure, located in Piaţa Albert Huet, will be 3D-printed from biodegradable sugar-based PLA by FabPub, a joint venture between Mamou-Mani and Therme Group. The pavilion celebrates international, multi-disciplinary collaboration, and the pursuit of sophisticated, sustainable urban design. It will host panel discussions and an exhibition featuring the work of the three organizations in relation to the city of Sibiu.  
The sixth edition will bring together participants from the international arts community to continue this creative dialogue through the following sessions:  


Cultural sustainability – The magical link between identity, a sense of belonging, architecture and the arts
Public vs Private sector roles in the visual arts – cross cultural and sectoral perspectives
Public vs Private sector roles in the performing arts – cross cultural and sectoral perspectives  

Online broadcast throughout the festival - Global perspectives: Wonder 


ALTOSTRATA - The Therme Pavilion 
Mamou Mani Architecs & ARUP
3D-printed from biodegradable sugar-based PLA by FabPub 
Piața Albert Huet
GBR, 24h

Refik Anadol: The Sense of Healing 
AI Data Sculpture 
Catedrala Luterană Evanghelică Sf. Maria, Piața Albert Huet
TUR, USA / 24h
28.06 – 02.07 / 10:00 – 18:00

Bringing the arts & culture community to Sibiu - a global dialogue about the future
Arup & Therme Group - Photo Exhitition
Piața Albert Huet
GBR / 24h

Mobile container with robotic structure for 3D printing
Piața Albert Huet
GBR/ 23.06 -27.06 & 30.06-3.07
10:00 – 20:00

Egill Sæbjörnsson 
Multimedia Installation
Wall - Catedrala Luterană Evanghelică Sf. Maria
30.06 / 21:00 – 22:30
ISL/DEU / 90min

2022 Edition

Therme Forum: Theatre and Architecture

There is a symbiotic relationship between arts & culture and the built environment. Building on the immensely successful Forums from 2018 to 2021, we engage in discussions with world class arts leaders, designers and artists to look ahead at the ways our world is changing – how the trends and pressure that shape our planet, societies, built environment and our interaction relate to the impact the role arts and culture plays in our lives and the evolution of art itself.

Through this multi‐faceted dialogue, we seek to inspire and challenge participants to consider alternative perspectives, taking advantage of new trends and opportunities from around the world in the field of art, performance, and wellness.

June 25, 5pm
Filarmonica de stat Sibiu
Building Cities: Public/Private Partnerships

Public Private Partnerships are a financing/development/delivery model that can bring the benefit of private sector expertise together with the longer term community development objectives entrusted to the public sector. Can this work well for the arts & culture sector? What risks and opportunities does this create?

Speakers: Dr Robert Hanea (Therme Group), Constantin Chiriac (Sibiu International Theatre Festival), Mah Bow Tan (Therme Singapore), Tateo Nakajima (Arup)

Moderator: John Alschuler (Therme North America)

June 26, 5pm
Filarmonica de stat Sibiu
What is the Role of Culture Within a City? (speaker: Rafał Dutkiewicz)

Rafał Dutkiewicz: What is the role of culture within a city? The former Mayor of Wroclaw (EU Capital of Culture 2016) will share his experiences of community, identity and the built environment as the city of Sibiu celebrates and explores the arts in 2022. 

Speaker: Rafał Dutkiewicz (Former Mayor of Wroclaw), Constantin Chiriac (Sibiu International Theatre Festival)

Moderator: Tateo Nakajima (ARUP)

June 28, 3pm
Environmental Sustainability On and Off the Stage (panel discussion)

We live in a time of an acute global climate crisis. What role does the arts sector play? What impact can we make? What does this mean for the way that we organize ourselves and the built environment we work in? With new research highlighting climate change as one of the biggest drivers of change in the arts and culture sector, how will it impact the way we work and engage?

Speakers: Antonia Seymour (Arts On Tour), Becky Hazlewood (Julie’s Bicycle), Arthur Mamou-Mani (Manou-Mani Ltd)

Moderator: Ruth Pelopida (Arup)

June 30, 3pm
People, Places and Resilience: the Role of Identity (panel discussion)

The past years have increased social awareness of tensions and inequities related to disenfranchised communities. How do we raise voices that have been silenced and embrace hidden identities in the arts? How do we design our environments, and our relationships to them, to support diverse communities? How can the arts and culture sector support equitable access and social justice, while contributing to more resilient and sustainable communities?

Speakers: Grace Okereke (Uprise Rebel), Jasmin Sheppard (Choreographer), Anthony Hoete (Ngārchitecture), Elena Dubinets (London Philharmonic Orchestra)

Moderators: Tateo Nakajima (Arup), Chris Mercer (Arup)

Many thanks to the British Council in New Zealand for facilitating part of this discussion.

3 July, 1pm
Harnessing the Power of the Arts (speaker: Marina Gorbis)

Marina Gorbis is a futurist who will reflect on how creative institutions and artists can contribute to developing new models for the future of humanity following recent events in the world. Marina is the Executive Director of the Institute for the Future (IFTF), a 50-year-old non-profit research and consulting organization based in Silicon Valley, USA. She has brought a futures perspective to hundreds of organizations in business, education, government, philanthropy, and civic society. Marina’s current research focuses on transformations in the world of work and new forms of value creation.

Speaker: Marina Gorbis (Executive Director Of The Institute For The Future)

Moderator: Yaroslava Babenchuk (Sibiu International Theatre Festival)

2021 Edition

Therme Forum: Theatre and Architecture

There is a symbiotic relationship between arts & culture and the built environment. Building on the immensely successful Forums from 2018, 2019 and 2020, we engage in discussions with world class arts leaders, designers, artists, and architects to look ahead at the ways our world is changing – how the trends and pressure that shape our built environment and our interaction relate to the impact the role arts and culture plays in our lives and the evolution of art itself.
Through this multi‐faceted dialogue, we seek to inspire and challenge participants to consider alternative perspectives, taking advantage of new trends and opportunities from around the world in the field of art, performance, and wellness.

Speakers: Tisa Ho Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Hong Kong
Moderator - Tateo Nakajima Arup Fellow UK

Festival Cities
Speakers: Smriti Rajgarhia Director of Serendipity Arts Foundation & Festival India
Christopher Dupe Associate Director, Cultural Assets at Diriyah Gate Development Authority Saudi Arabia
Cecilia Alemani Director & Chief Curator of High Line Art and the Artistic Director of the 59th Venice Biennale in 2022 Italy/USA
Moderator - Bree Trevena

Exploring the Future – Part A: The Expression
Speakers: Dan Potra Th eatre Designer Australia
Simon Reveley CEO Figment Productions UK
Sarah Ellis Director Of Digital Development at Royal Shakespeare Company UK
Paola Prestini Composer, Co-Founder, & Artistic Director of National Sawdust USA
Moderator - Ed Elbourne Senior Consultant at Arup UK

Environmental impact and sustainable development
Speakers: Charlotte Nors Managing Director of Singapore Repertory Theatre Singapore
Robert Read CEO of National Concert Hall, Dublin UK/Ireland
Moderator - Chris Mercer Senior Consultant at Arup Australia

Exploring the Future – Part B: The Building
Speakers: Joshua Ramus Founder and principal of REX USA Kai-Uwe Bergmann Partner of BIG USA Amanda Levete Director of AL_A UK Moderator - Tateo Nakajima Arup Fellow UK-

Speakers - Svanhildur Konráðsdóttir Director at Harpa Concert Hall & Conference Centre Iceland Yvonne Th am CEO, Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay Singapore
John Alschuler Chair of the Board for HR&A USA
Moderator - Tateo Nakajima Arup Fellow UK

Resilience: Building back better after Covid
Speakers: Tisa Ho Executive Director of the Hong Kong Arts Festival Hong Kong
Moderator - Tateo Nakajima Arup Fellow UK


Constantin Chiriac, President FITS & General Director of „Radu Stanca” National Theater
Robert Hanea, President and CEO, Therme Group
Tateo Nakajima, Arup Fellow
Yaroslava Babenchuk, Senior Innovation Lead, FITS
Elena Morariu, Strategic Cultural Advisor, Therme Group
Ioana Nistorescu, coordinator,