Rules and Regulations
The Organizer: Teatrul Național Radu Stanca

The Event: FITS 2022


This Rules & Regulations document is an agreement between the Organizer and the Participant. During the ticket sale, you are obliged to accept the Rules and Regulations of FITS 2022. The Organizer reserves the right to modify the rules without prior notice to the Participant. Any changes will be posted on, in the Rules and Regulations section. By purchasing a ticket, a person agrees with the event rules and the following terms and conditions.


1. Tickets

1.1 There is one type of ticket accepted by the festival for physical, online and hybrid payable events:

  • One time ticket (with full and / or reduced price)

1.2 We only guarantee the validity of the tickets purchased through our festival partners listed in Section 2.1.

1.3 Reselling of the tickets and invitations in order to turn a profit is strictly prohibited. The Organizers reserve the right to prohibit access to the festival area to those involved in such activities and to confiscate the resold tickets and/or invitations in their possession.

1.4 It is strictly forbidden to publish on social networks or other sites the ticket's unique barcode.

1.5 Upon ticket validation (regardless of type) the Participant will be granted entrance into the festival for one person. After scanning the ticket, the Participant must keep the ticket during the entire show/performance.

1.6 Lost or stolen tickets will not be re-issued.

1.7 We offer tickets for several events with special prices, only for students, elders, by showing a demonstration of identification.

1.8 For groups larger than 15 people, we can offer ticket offers depending on the number of available seats.

2. Buying tickets

2.1 For payable events, tickets are available online on, and in all partner shops of above-mentioned ticketing agents. Partner shops are available on ticketing agent’s website (

2.2 The following tickets can be purchased on the festival premises (online, theater agency)

30 RON / 40 RON / 60 RON / 80 RON /100 RON / 150 RON

2.4 Also, in order to safeguard the health and safety of all participants at the event, both public and staff, the promoter has the right to impose any and all of the following measures, as conditions for allowing public access to its event:

  • wearing a mask;
  • maintaining the social distance from other participants;
  • presentation of proof of vaccination;
  • presentation of a negative RT-PCR test performed with maximum 48 hours before the start of the event;
  • testing with a test for rapid diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 virus; access to the hall will be made only on the basis of a test with a negative result, which will be performed on the day of the event;
  • presentation of a medical document attesting to the fact that they have gone through the disease (through the presence of antibodies), a document that will not be older than 90 days;

For clarity, the ticket buyer, through the act of buying said ticket agrees to the present conditions and terms, obliges to respect the legally imposed measures as well as the event’s access regulations communicated and enforced by the promoter at the time of purchasing, before and during the event and/ or on the venue’s premises.

Should the ticket buyer not be willing to abide by such measures as described above at the time of the event, the promoter has the right and obligation to refuse access to the event, and in this case will not reimburse the price of the purchased ticket.

Participants are required to check the promoter’s access rules and regulations on the promoter’s official website, the ticketing provider’s official website and their social media platforms before attending the event, and comply with floor and queues marking and venue spacing and any health precautions communicated at the venue via but not limited to posters, signage and announcements.

3. Tickets return

3.1 The ticket is not refundable unless the event is canceled by the Organizer. Moving the event in another place in the same geographical area is not ground for reimbursement of ticket value. If the event is rescheduled, the ticket cannot be refunded. Refund applications must be made within 30 days after the date of cancellation of the event at the point of sale where tickets were initially purchased. Reimbursement of tickets can be made only when the tickets are intact, and refunding only refers to the value of the ticket. The ticket sales commission, printing and distribution costs or additional costs (accommodation, transport, courier, etc.) will not be refunded in any case.



1. Entry, Access – General Information

The festival map, with all the areas, is available online on

1.1 Entry to the festival will be allowed only through the general access area. Please note that the Organizer reserves the right to deny access for any participant at any time if he/she is in an obvious state of confusion, violent or under the influence of forbidden substances.

1.2 For payable events, access for children over 4 years old is granted in exchange of a valid ticket, reduced price.

1.3 Access to the festival is forbidden with alcoholic drinks, drugs, dangerous substances, explosives, toxic or flammable objects, pyrotechnic devices, glass objects/bottles, cosmetics, umbrellas, professional photo-video devices, air horns, drones or remote control aircraft/cars/toys, items with discriminating and/or provocative texts and/or expressions, chairs, hoverboards/segways, sky lanterns, blunt and/or sharp objects, pepper spray, chains and weapons of any type, items that might have a negative effect on the safety, health or wellbeing of the festival-goers. Ticket holders will go through a light body check at access points in order to ensure festival rules are observed.

1.4 Access with pets is prohibited.

1.5 Participants are not allowed to bring any food or alcoholic liquids in the festival area.

1.6 Items that can be allowed into the festival: backpacks, cell phones/chargers, cigarettes/lighters, digital cameras (compact, non-pro), hats, sunglasses, raincoats, eye drops for contact lenses, prescription drugs, insulin (with diabetes booklet), flags and selfie sticks, sunscreen, insect repellent.

1.7 Participants take full responsibility for attending the festival, including the following:

a) People with physical or mental illness for whom crowded areas, loud noises, special sound, visual and audio effects represent a risk, assume all liability for any prejudice that they may suffer during the event. The show can contain powerful light effects that could harm children or epileptic persons, the participants are fully responsible for attending the shows presented in the festival on stages/other areas.

b) Regarding the risks of injury or personal property damage, any participant is fully responsible for his behavior and for his/her personal belongings within the festival area, including camping and access areas.

c) In terms of play, entertainment, and sports areas and other alike that can pose a risk of injury, participants will make sure that they have the physical and mental condition to participate. The Organizers and their affiliates may require the participant to sign a document assuming all risks in order to access sports areas and/or other risk-bearing enterprises within the festival area.

1.8 It is strictly forbidden to enter the festival by car without a car pass issued by the Organizers.

1.9 People with disabilities who want to attend the event must send an email at For more details, please consult the Terms and Conditions document.

2. Code of conduct – the festival area

2.1 Every year, the Organizer invests a great deal of effort and manpower to make this festival happen. Every visitor needs to show proper respect towards the fellow participants and the festival infrastructure. Tearing, breaking or any other form of destruction to the decoration, buildings and/or green areas of the festival will result in the removal from the festival and access will be denied for the entire time of the festival. The Organizer reserves the right to file a criminal complaint against the culprit. All participants must comply with the social rules, laws and those listed in these Regulations. Participants are not allowed to conduct any activities that could endanger or affect in any way the safety or the rights of any other participant, the venue, the stage, decoration and/or other items in the festival.

2.2 There will be zero-tolerance policy in regard to any violent or abusive behavior towards our staff or other festival goers – the wrong-doer will be immediately ejected from the festival premises; his/her ticket will be annulled; also, the Police and local Gendarmerie officers will be asked to take custody of the violent participant/s. The public is kindly asked to cooperate with our staff, security agents and local police forces – they are there for everybody’s safety and security.

2.3. We conduct an absolute zero-tolerance policy in regard to drugs. It is forbidden to use, deal and/or to be in possession of drugs on both the festival grounds. If a participant is caught using and/or dealing drugs or if he/she is found in possession of drugs, he/she will be forced to leave the festival site. This policy is rigorously enforced and the relevant cases will be handed over to the Police.

2.4 During the festival, there will be photos and video recordings: when entering the festival grounds all visitors give their silent consent to the Organizer to use and broadcast this footage for any festival promotional activity. Participants must acknowledge that it is possible to appear in such materials without being able to claim any rights to or compensation for those materials. The Organizer has the right to use these materials and publish them on various channels (e.g.: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, festival website, festival app, all media) and use them in advertising campaigns without compensating in any way the Participant. Please read the information note regarding the use of personal data during the festival, published on our website.

2.5 Participants acknowledge that on festival grounds, any commercial or advertising activity without the written consent of the Organizer is strictly prohibited.

2.6 Participants are not allowed to reproduce visuals of the event, to use the image or name of the artists involved (or any other names, logos or brands associated with the event), or tickets / invitations for the event, for promotional or commercial purposes without the permission of the Organizer.

2.7 Attending any festival carries risks. Admission to FITS 2022 is at your own risk. If you are looking after children under the age of 18 then you assume responsibility for their safety and wellbeing. Neither the organizer, nor the venue and partners will be liable for any theft, loss or damage to property unless such theft, loss or damage to property has been caused by the Organizer’s negligence – liability for theft, loss or damage to property caused by the Participant’s own negligence or by the acts or omissions of traders, patrons or any other third parties is excluded.

2.8 Smoking inside the Theater or any other Indoor Festival spaces is forbidden. Electronic cigarettes or vaping devices are under the same rule.

2.9 Entering the performance area after the beginning of the show is not granted. By not showing up to the performance according to the hours specified on the ticket, you lose the ticket value.

3. Security & Safety

3.1 Safety is one of the most important priorities for us. Therefore, the Organizer co-operates with the Romanian Police Force. They will be, in partnership with the Local Police, be responsible for the safety of both visitors and local inhabitants. The Romanian Police and Local Police will work together with specialized agents, hired specifically to ensure safety on the festival sites. During the event, participants are required to comply with the security agents’ demands, to collaborate with them and to respect their instructions in cases of emergency.

3.2 In the event of acts of violence or endangerment of other people or goods, security agents may decide to evacuate the people involved outside the premises.

3.3 It is forbidden the use of fire and inflammable materials on the festival grounds or near the festival grounds.

4. First Aid

4.1 During the festival, a team of first aid and a doctor will be permanently present on-site and near the entrance an ambulance will be ready to transport any wounded/in distress person to the nearest hospital in the area. You can recognize the first aid team and ambulance by their uniform and red cross signs, and their specific placement will also be pinned on the festival map and app.

5. Lost Objects

5.1 Lost and found items: We recommend you go directly to the venue where you lost something to ask the staff there. The Festival is not responsible for those losses.