Terms and Conditions
The purchasing of tickets for events within the Sibiu International Theatre Festival (FITS) is subject to the terms and conditions below.

1. Definitions

a. Organizer: the event organizer is the “Radu Stanca” National Theatre Sibiu.

b. Participant: any person who, based on a valid ticket, an invitation, or an accreditation, enters the venue where a FITS event takes place.

c. Event venue: any demarcated area in which the organizer stages an event, its adjacent or associated areas, as well as the access routes used by the organizer. The same rules apply to the digital space where the festival is streamed.

2. General rules and conditions

a. The general rules and conditions apply to all the events within the Sibiu International Theatre Festival, as well as to the services within the event. When entering an event venue, the participants shall unquestionably comply with the content of these general rules. The same rules apply to the digital space where the festival is streamed.

b. The offers, the participating artists, and other information are informative and may be changed by the organizer with no previous notice. The organizer shall not be held responsible for possible errors.

c. Deviations from the general rules are only allowed with the organizer’s written confirmation.

d. The organizer shall not be responsible for any rumours, etc., but only for the information conveyed through its communication channels.

e. A ticket is only valid for one person and/or one access to the performance/event mentioned on the purchased ticket. The same rules apply to the digital space where the festival is streamed, in the case of ticket, invitation, or accreditation-based events.

f. The organizer takes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or deteriorated tickets, as these are the responsibility of the buyer.

g. The organizer has the right and the obligation to request that the ticket buyer complies with all the safety measures laid down in the legislation in effect.

h. Moreover, in order to ensure the good health and the safety of all event participants (both the audience and the organizing team), the organizer reserves the right to impose to participants any or all of the measures below, which are to be updated as per the provisions of the official legislation in effect:

- wearing a mask,
- maintaining social distance from other participants,
- showing proof of vaccination,
- showing a negative RT-PCR test taken no earlier than 48 hours before the beginning of the event,
- taking a quick SARS-CoV-2 test; access in the venue will only be allowed based on a negative test to be done on the day of the event,
- showing a medical document issued no earlier than 90 days before certifying that they have had the disease (and have antibodies),
- minimizing crowding by consenting to arrive at the venue at the mentioned time, using the multiple access areas, and their allocated seats.

i. For the purpose of clarity, by purchasing the ticket, the ticket buyer agrees to these terms and conditions, undertakes to comply with both the legal measures, and the access rules put in place by the organizer when purchasing the ticket, before the event, during the event and/or at the venue where the event takes place.

j. Should the buyer not agree to complying with the above-mentioned measures imposed on the date of the event, the organizer has the right and obligation to refuse access to the event and, in such a case, shall not refund the ticket.

k. Before the event, event participants are required to check the access rules on the organizer’s official website and on the ticketing platform where they bought the ticket and on their social media platforms, to observe the markings at queues and on the venue floors, as well as other indications communicated at the venue. The Sibiu International Theatre Festival offers discounted tickets for pupils, students, and pensioneers only based on a justifying document that must be presented at the venue access point. Should the spectator be unable to prove their capacity as pupil, student, or pensioneer, the organizers may refuse access to the venue, without refunding their ticket, until they pay the price difference for a full-price ticket.

l. For organized groups of more than 15 people, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival may grant discounts depending on the event and the number of seats available. For details, please contact the Theatre Agency.

3. Access, seating, and security

b. The organizer has the right to search participants and their objects or to ask for identification, both when accessing the event venue, and throughout the duration of the performance.

c.The organizer reserves the right to refuse access to the event to any person at any given moment throughout the duration of the event.

d. Should a participant fail to observe the general rules resulting in the organizer being fined for it, the participant will be held responsible for that amount.

e. Participant are forbidden to enter indoor venues carrying: professional audio/video equipment unless they hold a prior accreditation, recording equipment unless they hold a prior accreditation, animals, drugs, food, drinks, bottles, fireworks, firearms, edged weapons, or any other objects that may pose a danger to other participants.

f. Participants are forbidden to offer any goods for sale or free consumption in the venue without the organizer’s written permission.

g. Smoking is forbidden inside the building of the “Radu Stanca” National Theatre Sibiu or any other indoor venues (FITS). Medicinal or electronic cigarettes are not exempt from this rule.

4. Organizer’s liability

a. The participants take part in the event at their own risk. The organizer shall only be liable if the damage/injury is caused by his proven negligence. The damage liable for compensation shall be established by the event’s insurer together with the Organizer. The organizer is shall not be held responsible for damages caused as follows: - by the providers hired for the event or their employees, - possible damage caused by failure to comply with these rules, - loss of goods, destruction or theft of objects brought into the venue by participants, - damages caused by changes to the event programme (opening/closing), - other damages caused by the participants.

b. The organizer shall in no way be held liable for force majeure damages.

c. All the provisions in this section also apply to the organizer’s employees, as well as its providers or third parties involved.

5. Recording

The organizer may record the events and its participants, may make the said images public, may allow third parties to trade said images. By entering the event area, participants consent to their image appearing in the organizer's materials or in event-associated materials.

6. Copyright

a. As per the provisions of Law no. 8/1996 on copyright and neighbouring rights, during the event, event participants do not have the right to record pictures or sounds, subject to the possible confiscation of their equipment. Visitors do not have the right to broadcast or to trade such recordings.

b. Participants are forbidden from visually reproducing the event, using the image or the name of the artists involved (or any other names, logos, or brands associated to the event), or tickets/invitations to the event for promotional or commercial purposes without the organizer’s consent.

7. Dates and locations

a. The organizer will announce the date/place and time of the event via materials, press releases or on its official websites.

b. The organizer reserves the right to change the event venue.

c. In the event of force majeure, the organizer reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event, to change its date or venue, without having to or being compelled to pay any damages to the participants.

d. Force majeure refers to: any circumstances that may force the organizer to cancel the event. These include, but are not limited to: war, strike, terrorist activity, police or firefighter actions.

e. Tickets are non-refundable, except if the performance/event is cancelled. Changing the place or the date of the event does not represent grounds for ticket refund. When a certain performance/event is reprogrammed, the purchased ticket will be valid for the date when it is reprogrammed. Should an event be cancelled, ticket buyers can get their money back by contacting the distributers, i.e. the authorized sale point (physical or online) where they purchased the tickets, observing their instructions and conditions. In the case of a cancelled event, the countervalue of the ticket will be reimbursed only by the distributer from which the ticket was purchased, within 14 days from the date when the cancelling was announced. After this period, no refund request will be taken into account. The countervalue of the tickets can only be reimbursed if the tickets are intact, and the reimbursed amount will only include the price of the tickets, not the price of the intermediation services related to the purchasing, such as editing, issuance, printing, and distribution commissions or additional costs (accommodation, transport, delivery, etc.).

f. In the context of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemiologic situations, tickets will be refunded in accordance with the EMERGENCY ORDINANCE no. 70 of 14 May 2020.

REPROGRAMMING of the event/festival

Should the event or the festival be reprogrammed, the event or festival participant will be able to use the purchased ticket, and benefit from all the rights conferred by the ticket on the date when the event or the festival was reprogrammed, should the date when the event or festival is reprogrammed not be after 30 September 2021.

CANCELLING of the performance/festival

Should the event or festival be cancelled, the event or festival participant will receive a voucher amounting to the countervalue of the ticket which may be used to purchase tickets to other events by the organizer until the end of 2021.

In the event of an actor falling ill or of force majeure, the Sibiu International Theatre Festival reserves the right to change the programme of performances, and the sold tickets will be refunded or renewed for another representation. The organizer will not cover any amounts arising from additional costs (transport, hotel, delivery, bank commissions, etc.).


Should the voucher not be used to purchase products or services by 31 December 2021 at the latest, the amounts received from the consumer will be refunded within 30 days. The value of the voucher will not include the value of any related services. Thus, the countervalue of services such as intermediation, order management, ticketing/distribution commissions, as well as other services, such as delivery, electronic insurance or issuance, purchased alongside the tickets via ticketing platforms or their partner shops will under no circumstance be reimbursed, not even if the event is cancelled. These related services are provided and successfully finalised alongside the purchasing of the ticket and do not depend on the actual unfolding of the event.

Should it be impossible to use the ticket on the date when the event or festival is reprogrammed, the buyer will have 30 days from the date when it was announced that the event is postponed to opt between keeping the ticket valid for the reprogrammed event or reprogrammed festival or turning it into a voucher. After the 30 days from the date when it was announced that the programme is reprogrammed, the ticket automatically becomes valid for the reprogrammed edition of the event or festival.

8. Complaints

Complaints about the unfolding of the event shall be submitted in writing, at the address: Teatrul Național Radu Stanca, Bd. Corneliu Coposu nr.2, 550245, Sibiu, to the attention of the organization management, within 7 days from the actions referred to in the complaint.

9. General clauses

a. All disputes shall be solved amicably, through direct reconciliation. When direct reconciliation is not possible, disputed shall be solved by the court in the town where the organizer is based.

b. All conflicts shall be governed by Romanian law.

Disabled people

The Sibiu International Theatre Festival support disabled people by offering free access to all the festival events to people with profound or severe disabilities and their attendants, while people with moderate or mild disabilities benefit from tickets in the same conditions as pupils, students, or pensioneers. To benefit from free or discounted access, send an e-mail to the address below no earlier than 14 days before the event: ticketing@sibfest.ro. For your request to be considered valid, the e-mail must include the following documents:

- affidavit regarding the disability degree,
- notarized copies of the disability certificate,
- valid copies of (both of the disabled person and of the attendant’s) IDs,
- notarized copies of the documents certifying that the attendant is authorized to act as such,
- affidavit signed by the attendant regarding the right to accompany the disabled person.

People whose requests are validated will automatically receive a double invitation, subject to seat availability, and have the obligation to show the original copies of the above-mentioned documents on the day of the event. Should the above-mentioned documents not be shown, or should the persons refuse a proper check, they will be denied access to the event.

We hereby mention that, before, during, and after the event, attendants bear full responsibility for any reaction of the disabled person they accompany that may be caused by the unfolding of the performance. The theatre is exonerated of any liability.

Specific conditions

Depending on the particularities of each event and/or the requests of the artists involved, the organizer reserves the right to complete/amend the provisions of the General Conditions; such information and rules of public concern (Specific Conditions) are to be communicated before the beginning of the event via press materials, and via the website sibfest.ro.

Such completions/amendments (Specific Conditions), as well as the General Conditions, apply to such events.