Performances / Highlights / Theater
Games, words, crickets…
Directed by: Silviu Purcărete
Teatrul Naţional "Radu Stanca" Sibiu

"Games, words, crickets..." is the proof that we all need to dream, to play, to search for that place at the end of the rainbow, where age or social hierarchies no longer matter, but only the joy of meeting the great poetry of the world.

Under the guidance of master Silviu Purcărete and supported by its main performer, Constantin Chiriac, together with the TNRS actors, Poetry is at home, just as beauty, simplicity and emotion create a natural dialogue with audiences of all ages.

Choreography: Adriana Bârză-Cârstea
Scenography: Dragoş Buhagiar
Original music: Vasile Şirli
Technical director: Ovidiu Coca
Direction assistant and prompter: Sanda Anastasof
Project manager: Claudia Maior
Marketing responsabil: Denisa Bar
Dolls: Sandu Marian, Ionuț Brancu
Cast: Constantin Chiriac, Adrian Neacşu, Ali Deac, Cătălin Neghină, Cendana Trifan, Codruţa Vasiu, Cristian Stanca, Cristina Ragos, Cristina Stoleriu, Diana Văcaru-Lazăr, Eduard Pătrașcu, Emőke Boldizsár, Fabiola Petri, Ioana Blaga Frunzescu, Ioana Cosma, Liviu Vlad, Pali Vecsei, Viorel Rață

Performance in Romanian, with translation into English
Duration: 1h 30min
Date of premiere: 11.09.2022
Original title: Jocuri, vorbe, greieri...
The Romanian, Sibiu and Francophone Seasons
Shows and Access

28 June, 18:00

Fabrica de Cultură - UniCredit - Eugenio Barba Hall   
1h 30min