Performances / Highlights / Theater
Waiting for Godot
By: Samuel Beckett
Directed by: Theodoros Terzopoulos

Greek director Theodoros Terzopoulos stages Beckett’s most famous work: in the hands of Terzopoulos, “Waiting for Godot” becomes one lens to decipher the Other who, inside and outside of us, summons opposites: animal longing and divine tension, madness and dream, delirium, and nightmare. A show that questions our own humanity.

On stage, two young performers and three of the most intense and sensitive Italian actors.

"The fundamental value of Terzopoulos’ direction lies in the fact that he continuously disassembles and recomposes Beckett’s text: or, more exactly, he neutralizes the well-known readings of the same and leads them back to the truth of the text itself." (Enrico Fiore)

Text by:
Samuel Beckett

Copyright Editions de Minuit

Direction, set, lights and costumes: Theodoros Terzopoulos with (in a.o.) Paolo Musio, Stefano Randisi, Enzo Vetrano and Giulio Germano Cervi, Rocco Ancarola
Italian translation:
Carlo Fruttero
Dramaturgical advice and assistant director: Michalis Traitsis
Method Giulio Germano Cervi
Acting training: Terzopoulos 
Set realized in: ERT scenography studio
Head of scenography studio and carpenter: Gioacchino Gramolini
Carpenters: Davide Lago, Sergio Puzzo, Veronica Sbrancia, Leandro Spadola
Set decorators: Ludovica Sitti & Sarah Menichini, Benedetta Monetti, Martina Perrone, Bianca Passanti
Led design: Roberto Riccò
Technical director: Massimo Gianaroli
Stage manager: Gianluca Bolla
Stagehand and props: Eugenia Carro
Light technician: Orlando Bolognesi
Sound technician: Paolo Vicenzi
Wardrobe: Carola Tesolin
Photos: Johanna Weber

The comedy "Aspettando Godot" by Samuel Beckett is represented in Italy by Agenzia D'Arborio.

Producers: production Emilia Romagna Teatro ERT / National Theatre (Italy)
Co-producers: Fondazione Teatro di Napoli - Teatro Bellini in collaboration with Attis Theatre Company

Performance in Italian, with translation into Romanian and English
Duration: 1h 40min
Date of premiere: 12.01.2023
Original title: Aspettando Godot
The Italian Season
Shows and Access

28 June, 22:00

”Radu Stanca” National Theatre - Big Hall   
1h 40min

29 June, 20:00

”Radu Stanca” National Theatre - Big Hall   
1h 40min