Performance-installation by the Polish director Łukasz Twarkowski, based on a dystopian science-fiction, invites to immerse in an intense, multi-sensory experience.
The story of „The Employees” unfolds in an undetermined near future, on a spaceship carrying people and humanoid robots. A closed community is forced to confront questions about the differences between the human and the non-human, and about the essence of consciousness.
„It’s a wild ride.” —Newsweek
A poetic dystopia as fascinating as it is relevant to understanding the mechanics of human nature. An incisive and memorable multimedia performance.
The POLAND-ROMANIA Cultural Season 2024/2025 is a series of artistic events across the two named partner countries. It takes place over eighteen months and it is the result of joint efforts by the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Adam Mickiewicz Institute, with full support from the Polish Institute in Bucharest as well as the Romanian Ministry of Culture and the Romanian Cultural Institute. The season includes dozens of concerts, theatre performances, film screenings, exhibitions and literary events. The visual identity of the season is the result of a collaboration between graphic design students from Poland and Romania; it includes a logo inspired by the diacritical marks characteristic of these two challenging languages. Complementing the visual aspect is the slogan “We Share a Common Language”, referring to the language of culture, a language that allows for deep understanding and communication through a diversity of forms, means of expression and traditions. Text after: Olga Ravn
Translation from Danish: Bogusława Sochańska
Cast: Dominika Biernat, Daniel Dobosz, Małgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik, invitat/guest, Maja Pankiewicz, Sonia Roszczuk, Paweł Smagała, Rob Wasiewicz