Jon Fosse

Jon Fosse (born 1959) is one of the most prolific and acclaimed authors of our time. He started his career in 1983 when he made his debut with his first novel, and continued to publish many other novels, short stories, poetry, children’s books, and collections of essays. In 1993 he wrote his first play, And We'll Never Be Parted, and since then has published approximately thirty-six plays, of which the best-known are:  A Summer Day, Winter, and I Am the Wind. His dramatic works have achieved worldwide success since the second half of the 90s, which lead to the production of numerous performances throughout the world. His texts have been translated into over fifty languages, making Jon Fosse one of the most performed contemporary playwrights. Despite his growing interest in theatre, he has continued to author novels and poetry. His most notable novels are Trilogy and Septology, the first two of the latter series having also been published in Romanian with the title of Numele celuilalt. The many literary awards that he has received around the world have culminated in the awarding of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2023.

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