Constantin Chiriac:
„A scenography designer who has worked in theatre, film, and opera, in Romania, Europe, the USA, Australia, and South America, alongside renowned contemporary directors, Helmut Stürmer is awarded a Star on the Sibiu Walk of Fame for the unique performances he brought to life together with Liviu Ciulei, Roberto Ciuli, Lucian Pintilie, Vlad Mugur, Andrei Șerban, Silviu Purcărete, and many others, and for the creative friendship gifted to artists of all ages.”
„Helmut Stürmer (born 1942) is one of the most appreciated Romanian scenographers, with a prolific activity, both in Romania and abroad. His artistic vision often resulting in impressive sets with subtle levels revealing the psychology of the characters has contributed to many successful performances, which brought him European recognition. He has collaborated with theatres from Bucharest, Cluj, Arad, Brașov, Iași, Pitești, Timișoara, Ploiești, as well as with prestigious international institutions, such as Théâtre de la Ville din Paris, Deutsches Schauspielhaus din Hamburg, Théâtre de l'Union din Limoges, Opera din Karlsruhe, Opera din Bonn, Royal Shakespeare Company. He has also collaborated with director Silviu Purcărete in some of the most appreciated shows of the moment, staged at the “Radu Stanca” National Theatre in ” Sibiu, including “Faust”, which has conquered the world through its extraordinary visionary power."